Deacon Patrick running the distance around the globe, accompanied by his service dog, Ardie.
Our Goal
People (perhaps you!) collectively traveling 1.4 million human-powered miles to raise $100 million for brain injury research and innovative rehabilitation.
2010 Fundraising Goal: $114,000
655.5 miles!
(Started 9-18-09)
6 people are Shooting the Moon! We'd love to have you join us!
-- Every 22 seconds, someone in America receives a brain injury.
-- That totals 1.4 million people in America receiving a brain injury every year.
-- Of these, 50,000 die; 235,000 are hospitalized, and 1.1 million are treated and released from an emergency department. (stats are only known for those who seek help in an ER) (
-- The annual incidence of TBI alone is higher (perhaps up to 6x) than that of breast cancer, multiple sclerosis, spinal cord injury and HIV/AIDS combined. (Reference)
-- Every brain injury causes permanent damage, even mild concussions. The good news: the brain is resilient, and often creates new pathways, making it seem like no permanent damage occurred. The bad news: neurological "detours" use more brain energy and people can experience the world as "being harder" without realizing why.
-- Having one concussion increases the chances of having another. This snow-ball effect continues to increase with each concussion.
-- Damage from subsequent concussions is cumulative -- so multiple mild concussions can result in significant impairment, even if the first 6 or 7 did not seem to effect you.
-- Brain injury is often called the "Silent Epidemic" because brain injured people often look "normal" despite experiencing life-altering effects.